My healing journey started a long time ago. Thinking back now, I did not even know it had begun when it did. I was about 12 years old the first time I made it to Gold Hill, the small town in the mountains above Boulder, Colorado. This was the first time I had witnessed an "alternative" lifestyle, one my Aunt had been living for the majority of her life. Together we hiked the land, stacked stones along the lane, ate homemade food, slept with crystals under our pillows and visited the medicine wheel. I had never seen a lifestyle so closely aligned with nature. Little did I know it was the initiation of my own healing and awakening.
I have always been drawn to nature and it is the place that feels most like home to me. The unpaved path led me to understanding that there is so much that can heal us, not just medicine. Through my own struggles with health and making dietary changes I came to understand how food was medicine. I studied biology and psychology in my undergraduate studies at UNCW and became fascinated with the inner workings of the human body and mind.
I realized there was a lot more to me than my physical body. I then had my first episode of 'depression' or rather I like to call it more of an existential crisis. I believe it is in our human nature to long for understanding, purpose and meaning. In the exploration of the depth of my feelings I understood more about how the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of my being impacted my health and wellness.
In search of natural healing and ways that I could help others I discovered naturopathic medicine. I later attended the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine where I obtained my doctorate. During that time I studied a number of modalities including nutrition, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, herbal medicine, mind-body medicine, gemstone energy medicine, holistic counseling, mayan healing, reiki and hydrotherapy.
I then completed a two year residency at Richmond Natural Medicine. After years of practice and seeing case after case of any and all chronic illness, there is an underlying essence that I feel always needs to be addressed. This is the learned and conditioned patterns of the subconscious mind and the disconnect from self and soul. We are much more expansive than our minds can often perceive. Our habits of thought and belief as well as learned perceptions of the world can limit the human experience and cause great suffering. So it has become my passion to empower others on their path to self discovery and healing by reconnecting with the truth of their be-ing. To live a life they love in an optimal state of health by knowing and loving who they truly are.

Evolve Wellness serves as a reminder that we are all divine and innately whole as we are. It exists as a space for healing, to reconnect to the earth, to awaken and expand consciousness and to spread love. My vision is a world in greater harmony. I believe that peace is possible. I believe that awakening and healing ourselves is what will heal the world and bring about a more peaceful, loving planet. My vision is one FOR humanity. FOR the cultivation of greater connection to ourselves, to the earth and to one another.
Our mission is to educate, inspire and empower those on the healing journey. We utilize the healing power of nature, lifestyle, and vibrational medicine for the purposes of healing on all levels of being. We support embodiment of our most essential nature - the soul. It is through self discovery, self love and embodiment that we transform and return to wholeness, healing ourselves and the world around us.
I believe in love above all things. Love is the ultimate power & healer, the source of all there is. It is at the core of my values, and it is from love that all the others stem.
Sovereignty: You are your own best healer. You have all you need inside you. You are your own supreme power.
Integrity: Living, thinking, and acting in accordance with your truth. Being honest with yourself and others.
Empowerment: Healing and wholeness are possible for everyone. You can create your best self and your best life.
Wholeness: You are divine and whole exactly as you are.
Freedom: Optimal wellness, freedom and love are your birthright.
Nature: Nature heals us, grounds us and recalibrates our senses to a place of peace, safety and oneness.